Kinder Cottage, 71 Ashbourne Road, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST10 1RS


Find The Right Instructor

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Finding the right instructor doesn't have to be hard, it's just a matter of entering your location and we will point you in the right direction. We only recommend competent instructors who will guide you every step of the way. The aim of an instructor is to provide each candidate with the very best tuition possible, both in the theory and practical use of the machine. It will also cover all aspects of the health and safety requirements set out by the HES. You can find further information on our resources page.

Warehousing / Logistics

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If you intend to work within the distribution and logistics industry you will more than likely want to train as a forklift driver. There are a number of different types of forklift, but the most popular are the counterbalance and reach truck. A fully qualified forklift operator could earn between £18,000 to £23,000 P.A. with the average wage being around £20,500.

Building / Construction

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The construction industry has been buoyant over the last few years and we see no reason for it not to continue. There is an abundant number of plant machine courses available, such as an excavator, telescopic handler or forward tipping dumper truck being the three most popular. These are being used not only in construction but on the Highways, Railways and Dockyards. On average an excavator driver could earn between £16.00 and £19.00 per hour.

Landfill / Recycling / Quarries

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Landfill sites use more specialized machines in their operation, namely compactors and dozers. On average a dozer driver can earn between £19 to £20 per hour, and a compactor driver about the same. Material Re-Handlers are used by Recycle operators, i.e. Scrap Yards and Waste Disposal Site like your Local Tip, as well as Timbers Yards to name just a few. Quarries also use dozers, along with large 30 Tonne Tracked Excavators, Articulated / Rigid Dumper Trucks and Wheeled Loading Shovels.

Lumber / Timber Yards

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The Lumber Industry uses specialised machines such as the Tree Harvester, which not only cuts the tree down, but strip the branches and cut the lumber to length. Other machines include the Stroke Harvester and Whole Tree Chippers. There isn't much call for these types of machine operators in the UK. But those that have qualifications to use them are paid very well. Timber yards use attachments to Material Re-Handlers to lift and transport bare logs, these are also a niche area for training.

Transport / Heavy lifting

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Apart from the obvious day to day driving of HGV's, some drivers will require further training if they are to operate any attached lifting machinery. These include Lorry Loading Cranes and Truck Mounted Forklifts. A driver will also be required to undergo 35 hours of periodic training every 5 years or their CPC certificate will lapse.